President Obama Asks Us to Get It Up Again:
Ask any man. We've all been there. It's about four in the morning and you've been fucking the night away, having had your first, second, or third orgasm, you've gone down until your lips are chapped, you've fingered holes until your knuckles have cramped. But the woman you're with is just so damn hot and wants more. It might have been the ecstasy or the tequila, but you sweated that out a couple of hours ago. "C'mon, baby, you can do it one more time," she implores in the humid dark on the soaked sheets, getting you to feel how wet she still is. Oh, sweet Jesus, you wanna do it again, you wanna get it up as you try to work that weary cock to one last hard on but knowing that, no matter how much kneading and pleading, you just can't get anything more than a noble half-stiffie that wouldn't penetrate jell-o. You end up pissed at yourself and a little sad that your best wasn't enough to satisfy your lover.
That's pretty much how the Rude Pundit felt at the end of last night's jobs speech by President Barack Obama. There was so much woody-causing material, so many times Obama kicked the Republicans right in the teabags, so many passages expressing his frustration with the dysfunctional nature of our present politics. "This isn’t political grandstanding. This isn’t class warfare. This is simple math," he said, referring to the choice of cutting teachers or ending tax breaks for the wealthy. "In fact, this larger notion that the only thing we can do to restore prosperity is just dismantle government, refund everybody’s money, and let everyone write their own rules, and tell everyone they’re on their own -- that’s not who we are. That’s not the story of America," he chastised, going directly at the more extreme rhetoric of the right. It felt good, it felt like the fucking at the beginning of the night, and it made you want more.
The actual proposals contained more cuts and tax breaks than spending, but, at the very least (and we've degraded to this point), Obama made the case that infrastructure projects need to be the primary generator of jobs and income at this point (and that income would be spent, which would generate jobs in the private sector, and the circle of life continues). That, along with his ideas about regulation and relief for homeowners, provided a pointed defense, once again, of the role that government has to play in people's lives. As for the economics of the policies, well, wiser commentators than this one have weighed in positively.
But there's that exhaustion, you know? That knowledge of what's happened in the last two and a half years, that no matter how much Obama's words and his actual energy and palpable anger during the speech made the Rude Pundit want to back him, he just questioned, "Why?" Perhaps, as his podcast co-host Jeff Kreisler said last night, we're searching the speech for turds of hope to polish into gold. How much of it will be passed by the bastard Republicans? How many of the progressive goals will be negotiated away? And what cuts and changes for the Medi's did Obama mean?
The one hope is that, for a moment, despite the hooting from the usual round of right-wing yahoos, some Republicans, like John Boehner, who is probably thinking, "This speakership will be a waste of fucking time if I don't accomplish anything," are giving Obama's plan some consideration and not outright condemnation. Perhaps they're reading their polls. Perhaps they've heard their constituents. Perhaps they want to seem reasonable before gutting him going into 2012. Perhaps it's 9/11 weekend and they don't wanna act like unpatriotic cock monkeys, but 9/12 is right around the corner.
Who knows. Maybe, sometime around 4:30 a.m., that cock'll rise up. Maybe it's time to stretch the finger muscles, drink some water to lube up the tongue. Maybe we can all get off one more time before November 2012.
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